Monday, January 2, 2017

Essay For Germany Ambassador Competition 2016

The Role of Young Gen in Counter-Terorrism
For FPCI International Internship

Simple Essay
By: Kusdarmawan Nur Ilham
Brawijaya University


                                  Terrorism is has a direct and significant effect on human rights,the consequences of which are devastating on people enjoyment oftheir fundamental rights such as right to life,fair treatment of victims and liberty. In addiyion,acts of terrorism are costly to the statbility of government,destabilize efforts of civil societies,threaten peace and security, hinder economic growth and development. These factors touch on the enjoyment of human rights of the global cictizenry. As far as most governments are concerned, thesecurity of their citizens is a basic human right hence they do whatever they can in order to protect individuals accordingly. This is where states are obligated to ensure that human rigthsof their nationals are protected againts threats of terrorism. Therefore they ensure that the perpetrators of acts of terrorism are brought to justice. For me, as a young generation that have to make understanding of what will i do and what will we do as young generation as be young generations. That make me want to make unbreakbale connections with alll youngers in the world that we can againts or counter terrorism with our little power. We are just a little fire, but if we are be one, we can burn all the things that can destroyed us.
                                 Terrorism is always connected by moslem movement. I know that the most famous terrorism movement is about moslem movement. But for your information, that movement is not about religion anymore if that hurt or make a pain to the others. I think that movement is just for breakdown all moslem all over the world that always be one. For me as youngster, we can make understanding with each other, if the movement of terrorism is doing by moslem dont called that moslem anymore. If that movement doing by chrisitian, dont called they are christian. If that movement doing by catholic dont called they are catholic. Dont see the religion by the person ,but see the religion by the holy book. You can see and you can understanding, if all religion did’nt  teach about terrorism and killed each other.
                                     In as much as terrorism has a direct effect on human rights,recent years have witnessed states taking anumber of measure to counter terrorsim and some of these measure have posed severe thretas to human rights and the rule of law. For example some states have used measure such as torture and other gross acts in the name of countering terrorism,disregarding outcries from legal independent organisations that are responsible for detection and prevention of torture. On the other hand, some states have been accused of sponsoring acts of terrorism in nations where they feel intimidated by grave abuse of their citizens due to torture among other violations. Thus, they have by themselves violated the international principle of non-refoulement.
                                    Consequently,the respect for human rights and the rule of law has lacked its meaning in international fights againts terrorrism. What this mean is that, there is an urgent need to create national or even international counter-terrorism strategies that are not only intended to detect and prevent terrorism, and/or bring those responsiblefor these gross acts o book but they should also foster and protect human rights and the basic rue of law. Such measure shouldbe directed towards the conducive factors that promote terrorism, these includes; the absence of basic rule of law,ethnic tensions,political extremisms,economic and religious discrimination and the most importantly is we as young generation must make an action through that disaster of humanity. With this in mind, the consequence would be to encourage active leadership and partcipation of the young generations and civil society in the fight againts terrorism, the condemnation of human rights violations, and the prohibition of those who commit such acts in the context of natural law. In summary, due attention should be directed to the victims of whose human rights have been violated, this can be done throuh compensation and even restitution.

                                 Human rights are regarded as universal principles and legal value that are created to guarantee the protection of individuals as well as groups againts measures and exclusions of state agents that are contrary to their fundamental rights,freedoms and dignity. Acts of terrorism impinge democracy,human rights and the rule of law. Terrorism kills the values that are placed at the center of the United Nations Charter and other international bodies. These values include; peaceful conflict resolution,legal priciples on armed conflictand safety of civilans,tolerance of other people’s views and opinions, and the respect for human rights and the rule of law. The negative effect of terrorism on human rights and international security has been noted and documented at the uppermost level of the UN; particularly by the UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council, and the UN Human Rights Council.
                                     States have unambiguosly agreed that terrorism: is a threat to the dignity and primary security of individuals and groups globally,puts the lives of innocent civilans in danger,creates a fearful environment, endanger fundamental freedoms, and violate human rights and the rule of law. In addition, terrorism is strongly linked to organized crimes such as money laundering,drug and human trafficking as well as illegal proliferation of nuclear,biological and chemical materials. All these are linked to thr effectual participation in serious crimes including assault,extortion,kdnapping,hostage taking and murder.
                                      Moreover, terrorism perniciously impacts socio-economic development of states, kills friendly international relations among states,and negatively impacts the efforrts of coopertaion and peacefull co-existenc among states,such as the coopertaion for trade,growth and development. Terrorism also threatens the security of states as well as territorial integrity thus grossly violating the principle and values of the UN; this is a threat to the peace and security of the international community. This means that acts of terrorism must be suppressed by all means as an indispensable measure for the upholding of peace and security worldwide.

                                      That’s all of my perspective with the source of all over the world that we can do as young generation to againts terrorism or counter-terrorism. Our steps as young generations;
1)    We can make our little step with follow voluenteer event such as teaching in the suburban school and make an understanding with the children about terrorism that can make a better future.
2)    We can make our think more open with perspective all over the world.

As a youngster what will we do is just a little step but meaningfull for each other.  

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